Quick Start
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Good to know: A quick start guide can be helpful for users to quickly get started with SageX API in a few steps. Some people prefer to start with the basics instead of reading through all the documentation.
To ensure proper authentication of your API requests, it is necessary to include API keys. Failure to include an API key in a request will result in an error response.
To obtain an API key, simply follow these steps:
Access your SageX Dashboard.
Click on your profile.
Navigate to the API Settings section.
From there, you will be able to generate an API key and utilize it for authentication in your API requests.
To successfully execute API calls, it is necessary to provide your account details along with a token. The following ID's are required for making API calls:
Account Details: Realm ID and Workspace ID can be obtained from your Workspace. For a specific cluster workspace, you will need the workspace {cluster_guid} and export template {export_template_guid}.
By following these steps, you will be able to obtain the required account details and tokens for performing API calls:
Access the WorkSpace Setup.
Select the option to Edit Workspace.
To commence your interaction with the API, it is essential to send an authenticated request to the API endpoint.
Authorization: Bearer <API Key>
Your account realm id
Your account workspace id
Name of the document
JSON Object
Country,language,document_ref, publishing_year,publisher_name, document_type
*Refer below for details on JSON Object
Take a look at how you might call this method using curl